The Weazy Company is committed to protecting your privacy and Personal Information. This privacy policy explains how and why TRADER uses and protects your Personal Information. Personal Information is information that directly or indirectly identifies an individual.


We need your consent in order to collect, use, store and communicate your Personal Information. This Privacy Policy describes the options available to you if you wish to refuse or revoke your consent. You are deemed to have accepted this Privacy Policy in the following cases:

  • When you request to use one of our products or services;
  • When you use our websites.
  • In all our interactions with us.

This Privacy Policy applies in the following cases:

  • When you wish to maintain a business relationship with us;
  • During our business relationship with you;
  • For a defined period after the end of said relationship.
  • We do not collect Personal Information from anyone under the age of 14

We have internal policies and security standards to protect our systems and your Personal Information from unauthorized access and use. We keep your Personal Information only for the duration and for the purposes that we communicate to you. Our service providers and agents are contractually obligated to protect the confidentiality of your Personal Information, and may not use it for unauthorized purposes. Our employees are also required to protect your Personal Information.

The Weazy Website contains hyperlinks to external websites that are operated by third parties. We have no control over how these third parties collect, use or disclose your Personal Information. Before providing them with your Information, please read the privacy policies of these third parties to learn more about their standards for processing and protecting Personal Information.


If you have any fears or uncertainties, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer all your questions.